we are Edward Bryan Arcitecture

Architecture is not only a space to live, but a place to find self-actualization.

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Years of experience
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In Edward Bryan Architecture Studio, we believe that architecture is an inseparable part of human’s life. It is more than a mere shelter or protection; it is our primary, secondary, and tertiary needs. As primary need, architecture is our basic necessity. As secondary need, architecture serves as a place where life grows. Moreover, as tertiary need, architecture is a place of self-actualization.

As a basic necessity, each of our end product is a tactical and on-point solution to fulfill client’s needs and aspiration. We focus on creating architecture that facilitates untold human needs, which is to love alongside nature. So, contextualization is an essential part of conceptualization process to produce each magnificent content.

As a place where life grows, each of our work is open-ended, where tentative future needs are well-thought in the present. Our buildings offer ever-lasting comfort and architectural expression.

As a place for self-actualization, each of our project is a particular and specific self-expression. Clients may feel like it is their safe space and a work that is truly their own. Individuality is our key to produce best work that represents our clients. In Edward Bryan Architecture Studio, we create dream projects that you might have never dreamed before.

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